
Common results of vaping

smh vape detector

E-cigarettes are not medical devices, but they can have side effects for users. However, these side effects should not be taken for granted. Side effects are often context-sensitive and not universal because there are many variables in the devices and e-cigarettes on the market, and the frequency and method of smoking by someone is different.

Dizziness or headrush

It is not uncommon for you to experience lightheadedness and dizziness when vaping, as you do when you first smoke. 

Similar to smoking, this usually stops as consumption increases. However, this sensation does not generally come from vaping. It comes from inhaling nicotine vapors – especially high nicotine content. 

If you are worried about dizziness or lightheadedness, it is best to reduce the amount of nicotine or short-term inhalation. If you don’t want to reduce your nicotine consumption, this will probably disappear as your body adapts to nicotine.

Dry mouth

One of the most common side effects of vaping. Thirst is most commonly associated with the major components of e-liquids, PG and VG (propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin). It is often reported that the higher the percentage of 

PG, the higher the drying effect of the mouth, but it is not uncommon for 100% VG vapor to experience this. The reason for this seems counterintuitive. 

PG and VG are both moisturizers and are used to retain moisture in consumer products. However, they are also hygroscopic, which means they absorb water. 

If you are suffering from general dry mouth, ironically you can use an oral rehydration rinse like Biotene, which contains both PG and VG components, or you can drink more water. These two treatments are usually the easiest way to get the water back in your mouth.

Feeling tired and fatigued

Nicotine is a stimulant that paradoxically enhances mental arousal and has a calming effect. For some users, it’s one more than others. 

If you are tired or tired of vaping, it is thought that it may resemble a caffeine crash. If you feel drowsy, try increasing or decreasing the strength of nicotine or eliminating it altogether. 

The point is that you are not familiar with what you are currently using. Change it.


Cough problems during vaping are common in complaints from vaping beginners, even if they are former smokers or even current smokers. 

In general, coughing is the result of the wrong approach to inhaling and inhaling vapors. Like the result of high levels of nicotine being used directly in lung inhalation or attempting to give a cigarette-like blow to  a device with too much airflow.  If you cough with the puff, check the device’s airflow without activating the device  (if the device has an automatic puff, remove the cartridge or arc pod and puff it when it is not connected to the battery. ).

Should any of the issues outlined in this article be affecting you, please do not hesitate to reach out to us, and we will do what we can to assist you.